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Structure, Metal: Ø35mm stainless steel AISI-304 posts. 2mm thick AISI 304 polished stainless steel slide surface curved and molded in one piece.

Panels, HDPE: high-density polyethylene characterised by its resistance to chemical abrasives. As a polymer, it is unaffected by corrosion. Due to its light elastic nature, it offers high resistance to impact, making it very difficult to break

Platforms, Phenolic: birch plywood coated with a phenol film on both sides. Wire mesh anti-slip surface. Waterproof lateral protection.

Fixings: electro galvanised and stainless steel quality 8.8 DIN267, AISI-304.

  • None of the materials requires a specific treatment for its disposal.
  • If the product is subject to severe use, maintenance should be increased.
  • Don’t use the product before the installation/maintenance is ready.
  • Please check the maintenance instructions.

Biggest part (mm): / Heaviest part (kg):

IMPACT ZONE: security area and ground coverings according to the EN1176-1:2017 standard.

Spare parts availability: 10 years.

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