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Benito worldwide - Recent Projects

Installation of a 41 m² Pumptrack in the province of Cuenca: a safe space designed to learn and enjoy on bikes and scooters.

Área Pump Track 41mL

Cuenca (Spain)

New relaxation area in Tallinn (Estonia), a space designed for relaxation and enjoyment. With a charming rural structure and wooden picnic tables painted in vibrant colors.

Table Picnik

Tallin (Estonia)

Turnkey installation in the province of Valencia with Rebnew elements and Neovilla-Alu luminaires, designed to promote the rest and well-being of citizens in urban spaces.

Luminaire Neovilla-Alu

Valencia (Spain)

Renovation of the Olympic Port of Barcelona with Kube elements from Benito Urban, enhancing beauty and resisting saltwater. This improvement offers aesthetics and functionality to the coastal environment.

Litter Bin Kube

Barcelona (Spain)

Valladolid has taken a big step by installing Ares loungers by the river, creating an ideal space for its citizens to enjoy the outdoors and feel at home.

Lounger ARES

Valladolid (Spain)

The Urban and Light project in northern Italy includes the installation of Citizen luminaires, Lis beacons, and Titan bins, creating a welcoming and modern atmosphere that revitalizes the town’s environment.

Pole Citizen

Cossato (Italy)